WESD Discriminates Against Christians

On February 23, 2023, Washington Elementary School District’s (WESD) governing board voted unanimously to terminate student-teaching contracts with Arizona Christian University (ACU). The five board members gave no other reason than ACU’s stance on biblical doctrines concerning heterosexual, monogamous marriage (referred to as bigotry) and evangelism (referred to as illegal proselytizing).

Board Member Tamillia Valenzuela—who presented herself as a cat—led the charge of canceling ACU, stating that she was “disheartened” to see the contract renewal on the meeting agenda. She went so far as to say Christians and biblical values make her feel “unsafe.”

Former Board President Nikkie Whaley said she was “embarrassed” that she didn’t look into ACU sooner. She also stated that the district “owed it” to their LGBTQ+ allies to no longer partner with organizations that don’t align with WESD values. By “values,” Whaley means the ridiculous “Resolution Recognizing and Affirming LGBTQ+ Students and Staff” that was adopted in July 2022.

The so-called resolution claims that “LGBTQ+ educators in Arizona have been targeted and put on leave for expressing their gender identity or family status and/or being supportive of their student’s free expression…” The divisive document continues, “WESD believes it is our duty to honor, value, and affirm our transgender, nonbinary, and all LGBTQ+ students, staff, and families through our policies, practices, and curriculum…”

Valenzuela contrasted the resolution to ACU’s Core Beliefs, which include a commitment to promoting Jesus Christ and “traditional sexual morality and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman.” Valenzuela concluded that ACU’s beliefs were “unsafe” for trans people and that the university’s stance on biblical morality “deeply impacted” at least three board members.

At some point, we need to get real with ourselves and take a look at who we’re making legal contracts with and the message that that is sending to our community.
— Tamillia Valenzuela, WESD Board Member

Board Member Kyle Clayton sided with Valenzuela while expressing deep concerns about his children potentially being ridiculed for having “two dads.” These board members’ fears were irrational and unfounded. ACU’s 11-year partnership with WESD had resulted in net zero cases of proselytizing or condemning anyone’s lifestyle choices.

In March 2023, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) announced its lawsuit against WESD for violating the First Amendment to the Constitution. On May 4, ADF notified the public of its legal settlement with WESD and the reinstatement of ACU’s student-teacher contract for an additional five years. The district was also ordered to pay the university’s legal fees. During the May 22 board meeting, Whaley was replaced by Board Member Jenni Abbot-Bayardi as president after a 3 to 2 vote. Whaley and Valenzuela were determined to go down together as they both erupted into racist rants and verbal assaults against their colleagues.

The whole ordeal was a sickening display of ignorance and moral bankruptcy that drew unnecessary national attention and embarrassed school board members everywhere. As of this (re)publication, WESD community members no longer occupy the boardroom despite the district’s district’s blatant discrimination (and failure to educate students). Judging from the way the governing board operates, ACU’s rights were not the only ones violated and more lawsuits should have been filed.

This blog was originally posted on March 12, 2023. 

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